Thursday, July 31, 2014

So I'll follow the sun.....

We have been betrayed folks.   Betrayed by the thing we were told was going to make everything infinitely easier.  Streamline our day to day.  Put the world at our fingertips.

Thank you technology for giving us the smart phone.  You killed meaningful relationships for good I fear. 

Let me explain. This is a lonely world.  We are incredibly isolated and the smart phone, social media and what not is keeping us isolated.  The premise of keeping us more in touch with people is killing us. Its killing friendships, love lives, and so much more.

For example, if people wanted to find out how my babies were doing, they had to call and ask.  E-mail even.  Now they log onto facebook, like a few photos and then feel like they are in touch with me.  I claim that facebook keeps me in touch and is the easiest way to keep up with people, but really its hindering real relationships.  The kind where people care enough to give you a call or stop by and actually talk to me.  See my kids, meet them, and gush over the real them, not the pictures and videos I post.  

And this isn't just a rant about facebook.  Its a rant about smart phones in general.  A great friend of mine, whom until recently I felt very close to, was always calling me and talking for hours.  About life. Instead now, she can be here in person sitting right beside me.  AND NOT SAY A WORD.  Why you might ask?  Oh its easy.  She wants to pass this level on candy crush.   No joke.  Thats what is up.  

Technology is killing us people.  Its killing the connections people used to make.  The nervousness of a first phone call to set up a date.  The thrill of being around those you love is replaced with the thrill of the newest App sensation.  I am just as bad as the next person.  I have thought for years that facebook kept me in touch with my close friends that lived states away.  I guess if they were friends though they would call or text me. 

I don't want the things that were a big deal for me to be cheapened for my kids.  Real friendships are not based out of playing games and posting status updates.   I don't want to be the mom so worried about posting a picture that I am missing a moment.  

SO what to do?  

Get rid of it.  

Not the phone, but technologies hold on me.  No more facebook.  No more apps that keep me from important things.  

If you want to know me, then ask for my phone number, come over for some coffee or lets do lunch.

But lets stop the idea that this is communicating.  Its robbing us of our most loved and dear ones and replacing it with stupid foolish things that will not last.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Life goes on....

Family pictures finally!  Thank you so much Sarah!
I suppose its time for an update now that we have hit the magical 9 month mark.

Prudence is the most joyful, calm, and easy going baby I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  She is always giving gummy smiles and giggling at something new.  It warms my heart to know that after all she has been through and all she has endured that she is still a happy sweet little girl.  (If it had been me, I probably would be whiney and annoying)

"Mom is this where the lipstick goes"
She has slowed down a lot on gaining weight but she is making slow steady progress.  She is just under the 14 pound mark.  We have been giving her pureed foods for a while now and have been given the green light to step it up a bit more and treat her nutritionally like a 9 month old instead of going by her adjusted 6 month age.  Luckily, she is a willing participant in most foods and loves meal time.  

Cranial orthotic evaluation.....hehe
Health wise, we lost the heart monitor a little over a month ago (the same week as my appendectomy) in the week of perpetual ER visits (I think we made a total of 4 within a seven day period starting with one on Mothers day and ending the next Saturday)  Since then life has gotten a lot less tangled and a lot freer.  Taking her out places is easier and even navigating our household has become much more effortless.  We even did our first church visit. (Imagine her heart alarm going off in the middle of a service!)   Her ENT doctor is weaning her medicines off and she didn't even need a helmet for her plagiocephaly (flat spots on her head)  

Look Mom!  No hands!
Developmentally is where we are hitting the hard topics now.  She is definitely not a 9 month old developmentally wise and she isn't even really up to par with a 6 month old.  At a time we would normally be celebrating our baby crawling, standing, and maybe even taking a few assisted steps, we are happy if she can sit up assisted for more than a minute.  We are waiting for physical therapy and occupational therapy to come evaluate and then we will go from there.  The hardest part is the hints of the possibility of her having cerebral palsy.  I will preface this to say that it would not be the worst diagnosis ever for a 25 weeker who had crappy lungs in the beginning.  Actually it wouldn't be all that surprising because of her hospital course because there are studies that connect poor oxygenation with the development of cerebral palsy.  The degrees of how that diagnosis could affect her have a huge range and it makes the future all together uncertain.

The big theme in our life lately has been forgiveness.  Its a hard pill to swallow.  For the past 10 months I have pretty much blamed myself for all that has transpired.  I failed as a mother in the most basic fundamental way.  My body rejected my healthy child and changed everything as we know it.  I am not sure how to begin to forgive myself for putting my family through this ordeal.  The ripples of the events of September 20, 2013 feel like ocean waves still.  My child would be healthy and without problems if she had been born on her due date.  Our lives wouldn't be riddled with doctors appointments, medical bills, and a fear of an uncertain future for our daughter.  The what-ifs will haunt me probably to my dying day.
PopAsh doesn't look to sure about this!

Outside of myself, there have been several people that have hurt my family.  So many abandoned us in our time of need, and so few are willing to see how hard that has been from us.  Family and friends are conveniently absent in times of need and they are unapologetic about it.  I wish people cared more about the people in their lives.  We are so busy caught up in our own lives that we forget other people need us.  I hope no one perceives me as being to busy to be there for them.  If you do please tell me and I promise I will change.  All we have in this world is each other and our time together.
Minnie Mouse rain boots are the perfect accessory 

I am not perfect.  I do not always handle our situation well.  There are some days I sit at home crying and heart broken over everything.  Yes she is healthy.  But what about tomorrow?  Yes she is happy.  But what about tomorrow?  Will she walk?  Will she be able to sit up?  If she catches your cold will the virus make her sick enough to go back on a ventilator again?  There are so many days that I plead with God to make me understand why we are here.  Why us?  You hear the age old "God doesn't give you more than you can handle."  Can I truly handle this? The endless questions and unanswered moments could make any sane person mad.  So at the end of the day, all of you, those who have supported us and loved us and prayed for us, are really all I got.  The encouragement, the hope and the love are enough to carry me through those tough times.  And those who haven't been there, well, I need you too and I hope you change your mind.