Thank you technology for giving us the smart phone. You killed meaningful relationships for good I fear.
Let me explain. This is a lonely world. We are incredibly isolated and the smart phone, social media and what not is keeping us isolated. The premise of keeping us more in touch with people is killing us. Its killing friendships, love lives, and so much more.
For example, if people wanted to find out how my babies were doing, they had to call and ask. E-mail even. Now they log onto facebook, like a few photos and then feel like they are in touch with me. I claim that facebook keeps me in touch and is the easiest way to keep up with people, but really its hindering real relationships. The kind where people care enough to give you a call or stop by and actually talk to me. See my kids, meet them, and gush over the real them, not the pictures and videos I post.
And this isn't just a rant about facebook. Its a rant about smart phones in general. A great friend of mine, whom until recently I felt very close to, was always calling me and talking for hours. About life. Instead now, she can be here in person sitting right beside me. AND NOT SAY A WORD. Why you might ask? Oh its easy. She wants to pass this level on candy crush. No joke. Thats what is up.
Technology is killing us people. Its killing the connections people used to make. The nervousness of a first phone call to set up a date. The thrill of being around those you love is replaced with the thrill of the newest App sensation. I am just as bad as the next person. I have thought for years that facebook kept me in touch with my close friends that lived states away. I guess if they were friends though they would call or text me.
I don't want the things that were a big deal for me to be cheapened for my kids. Real friendships are not based out of playing games and posting status updates. I don't want to be the mom so worried about posting a picture that I am missing a moment.
SO what to do?
Get rid of it.
Not the phone, but technologies hold on me. No more facebook. No more apps that keep me from important things.
If you want to know me, then ask for my phone number, come over for some coffee or lets do lunch.
But lets stop the idea that this is communicating. Its robbing us of our most loved and dear ones and replacing it with stupid foolish things that will not last.