Tuesday, November 19, 2013

And with a love like that, you know you should be glad

Grumpy baby
Day 57, 58, 59, and 60

Weight- 2lbs 10 oz
Feeds- Full feeds at 7ml with MCT oil!
Oxygen- 2Liters Nasal Cannula
Disposition- Chilled

Its so hard to go back 8 weeks ago and visualize where all this started.  It seems like so long ago that we were being admitted to the NICU.  She was on a ventilator and we were being told all the stuff that didn't seem real until now.  The roller coaster ride.  The good days and bad days.

They tried to warn us.

The reason for reminiscing?  Well there was a 25 weeker admitted yesterday.  Today I heard one of the nurse practitioners warning them.  The same song and dance we got oh so long ago.  At almost 60 days in the NICU, I feel more like I'm entering my home away from home than an ICU.  The nurses are fantastic and really make a difference in a huge way.  They don't only care for sick babies, they nurse broken hearted mommies, strong tough daddies and worried grandparents too.  They nurse unknowing siblings who are in sensory overload when they step back there to see baby sister/brother.  They nurse whole families back to health.

Really NICU nurses are angels.  I am not sure they all know exactly what they do for families.  They save my babies life a hundred times a day in a thousand small ways and they have cared for us all along.  Amazing.
One of the stunning pictures taken by Capturing Hopes Photography

Then you have the wonderful people who donate time and services.  Capturing Hopes photography and the Ronald McDonald Room at Forsyth have been a godsend.  The photography allows me to come in and be a mommy and pose with my baby.  Missed opportunities from pregnancy turn into sweet pictures to remember ever micro step of our journey.  The Ronald McDonald House offers a place of refuge.  Free snacks and drinks, a playroom for tots, a nice clean and seldom used bathroom, and a quiet room to go and collect your thoughts- all without leaving the NICU.

Skin to skin time with mommy makes for a happy
At almost 60 days, Juan and I have learned what it means to truly be grateful for what we have been given, not mourn the loss of what we think we deserve.  There have been two babies up there to pass away while we were just down the hallway.  There have been babies who have to have fluid drawn off their brains weekly, there are babies who get transported to Baptist for heart surgery, bowel surgery or any other number of things.  We are so lucky.  Prudence is healthy.  Small but healthy.  She still has issues with not being able to tolerate a bolus feeding.  Thats ok.  She still can't be weaned off a nasal cannula.  Thats ok.  Her brain bleed resolved.  Her eyes are healthy and mature.  She poops on her own for the most part.  We are LUCKY.  God has been merciful to us.  He might change the course tomorrow.  But so far, he has answered our prayers and carried us along in His loving hands.

So please, remember that its ok to complain.  Its ok to talk about hardships and groan at the difficult times you are walking through.  But when thats over, please stop and be grateful for the life you have been given, no matter how bad it may seem.  Juan and I take nothing for granted now.

Prudence is growing into an amazing, inspirational and joyous little lady.  We are so very happy to be the parents of such a remarkable little lady.

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