Monday, December 30, 2013

there will be a show tonight....

Days 89-101

I can hardly believe it's been over 100 days on this rather, ahem, stressful journey.  Some days it feels like just yesterday they were telling us to prepare ourselves for a world that would take our emotions and run wild with them. In the course of one day I have felt relieved tired scared hopeless happy sad and worried. And that's before the morning coffee is even made.

Other days it feels like this is life.  That this is how it's always been.  That we have sang this song and danced this jig since the beginning of time.

But 100 days of Prudence amazing us, of our faith growing and changing as God proves daily that he is listening and answering our prayers and 100 days of our patience growing daily.

So since I posted, Prudence has done some amazing leaps and really only a couple of things remain unresolved.  Her eyes are still not fully matured and she will require follow up as an outpatient for her retinopathy.

She did move up to the intermediate nursery on Christmas night to make room for other tiny babies.  She also has been doing fairly well with her feedings.  She gets a tablespoon of rice cereal per ounce of milk to help with her reflux but at this point it is like putting a bandaid over a cut that needs stitches.  She still has  a few episodes a day and we have restarted the countdown to home several times.

Outside of Prudence, we are still having to deal with some  big boy stuff.  FAMILY and friends days have let us down so much in the past few weeks that it has been kind of hard.  Still the blessings far outweigh the bad and we keep on moving forward.  We have so many wonderful people reaching out to us.  Some we haven't seen in years.  Some we have never even met.  Juan and I were talking just last night how the good Lord has used these past few months to test our patience reliance and obedience.  We haven't always responded in ways that were good but we are learning and growing everyday in this walk.  We have  been reminded time and time again by friends of faith that it is in his timing that Prudence will be healed and home and happy with us.

In the meantime I have aged.  I grow a bit older every time her heart slows and he  breathing stops.  A mother's curse and blessing is how much you die for your kids.  It takes a mother, any mother, to understand that.  It has nothing to do with having a sick child or any of that..  I die for Lucy as much as I do  for Prudence.  I've given up countless hours of sleep worrying, cried tears that felt like would never end and have  sacrificed my body my career and even my own sanity for my girls.  And you moms know what I mean. We are our own silent club of sufferers that have to give ourselves daily to our children over our wants desires and needs.  We choose between showers or sleep.  Between breakfast or getting your kid ready to go somewhere.  It's just kind of crazy but we all do this willingly and desire to do it again several times over.

So we keep on trucking, keep on moving, and keep on sacrificing for our girls.  Send us prayers and happy thoughts.  We are super excited/nervous/feel like scared rookie parents tonight because we are staying with her in the parenting rooms.... gee imagine getting to be a parent to such a blessing....

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