Tuesday, January 28, 2014

I'd like to be....under the sea


with both of my girls!

So it's been a few days since I posted.  I have actually had to amend this post a few times before finally getting to post it at 4am.  Mostly because, well, I'm now officially the mother of two kids that live under the same roof.  Busy and chaotic are a few words to describe the flow around my house lately.  There are times we sleep only a couple of hours, and there are definitely days where I feel like the smell of spit up, poo, and Lucy's lunch are my perfume.

But it's good.  Really good.

Prudence had her 4 month check up last week and is doing great.  She weighed 7lbs 7.6 oz and is trucking right along.  Our pediatrician said she had no concerns for Prudence and told us to keep on doing what we've been doing.

Can I get a woohoo!!!!

Prudence is really one of the best babies.  She sleeps so well during the night.  Very peaceful...only a couple of times being a bit too peaceful and setting off her apnea alarm.

Which could wake the dead three miles away during a fourth of July fireworks show......

She isn't fussy in the least and is very content as long as she is fed, dry, and not refluxing.  She gets more and more alert every day.  It is weird because she seems less like a newborn even though she is in a newborn body in a lot of
ways.  Our doc said that even though babies like Prudence are given 2 years to catch up before they are considered behind but that she felt that Prudence is going to catch up much sooner than that.  I have learned however not to get my hopes up to much.

Lucy loves Prudence so much and is very involved.  She helps out with diapering and shows baby sister toys and is constantly giving her kisses.  She is also pretty protective of Prudence.  She has even told people other  than mommy to "leave baby sister alone" and will go pat Prudences head and tell her it's ok when she cries.  It's really really sweet.

The flip side to that is that Lucy has become super clingy.  Just to me.  Which is fine, although a bit inconvenient.  We are all adjusting.  Growing.  This family of four business is the real deal guys.

Luckily we have had a ton of help from my parents. Mom and PopAsh haven't let us down yet helping watch Lucy for doctors appointments, getting her out of the house for a bit, and helping us out around our house as we figure out how to be parents to 2 babes.  However this past week we have been on our own because of my mom being possibly exposed to the flu.  Its been challenging but also a very sweet time of learning and growing with my girls.  And J
uan is definitely the best husband ever.  He watches over his girls like a.daddy hawk.  That occasionally does weird things..... like teach Lucy the word burp...(add that to fart, poop, etc)... sigh

We have our ENT follow up in a couple of days, child development evaluation the next week and special infant care clinic the next week.  Its not busy on the doctor front and we are lucky for that.

So business as usual.

Welcome to graduated, ex-preemie world.

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