Sunday, September 22, 2013

In my life I love you more

Day 2

Weight- Still 670 grams (in pounds roughly still 1lb 7 oz)
Height- Still 12.4 inches
Belly Circumference- 19 cm (this is actually a really big deal in micro preemie world)
Disposition- Chillaxin......

So today has been a pretty amazing day.  For one, Juan and I actually got a little more sleep.  Most people are probably thinking...gee you should be able to sleep considering that sweet thing is being taken care of mostly by her nurse momma's....but let me tell you pumping every three hours to provide breast milk, trips to see her and hosting family and friends....well in between all that there is not a lot of time for sleep.  But last night was better.

As for Prudence, they have been able to dial back on her oxygen today and she has tolerated it really well.  Depending on how things go over the next couple of days, we might be talking about even taking her off of c-pap and just having a nasal cannula so we can see more of that precious face and hair.  She got her tanning bed set up this morning and let me tell you this girl loves to lay in some UV rays.  She gets all stretched out and just soaks them up which is great.  They will be checking her bilirubin levels twice a day to see if the phototherapy is working or if they need to increase it.  Either way, she looks stinkin cute with her little sunglasses on.

AND.....she pooped.  Gross I know, but like Juan said, its the small victories.  But because she was able to poop, she also got started getting fed.  She gets one milliliter of breast milk every 6 hours.  Its a tiny tiny amount, but if she tolerates that well until tomorrow, then they might increase it.  Thats where the belly circumference comes in handy, it will tell us part of the story on how she is tolerating her food.

Last night, she got her newborn photo shoot with our good friend Sarah.  She was the perfect little model and gave us some precious pictures of her sweet little face, hands, and feet.  We can't wait to see the pictures.  I only have one picture that I took of myself in the mirror of my pregnant belly, so we are just going to have to make up for that in plenty of sweet newborn pictures.

Today has been relaxed and very peaceful.  Tomorrow will be a bit harder since I am getting discharged home.  I am praying for peace of mind, and for a smooth transition.  And I am going to try to get some kangaroo time tonight (thats the skin to skin holding that so far we have been cautious to try).  And there are no visiting hours so being the night owl I am by trade, I was told I can come sit with her at all hours of the night and just be with her.  Wonderful news.

Keep praying for our little blessing and our family as we transition from this to our new "normal" for the next few months while Prudence grows and matures in micro-preemie world.

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