Saturday, October 12, 2013

I read the news today...oh boy.....

Day 22

Weight- 730 grams...down again
Oxygen- Ventilator settings are up again
Feeds- going well but no poops today....
Disposition- WILD WOMAN

Today was another topsy turvy Hurricane Prudence ride.

This morning was a rare event.  I had a couple hours where Juan was at work, Lucy was at grandma's and I was having some me time here at home.  I took my time and was going to just take an easy morning before heading over to the hospital for some Prudence time.  Then I called just to see how she was.

My favorite NICU momma answered the phone and told me how Prudence was up again on her ventilator settings.  Still having a ton of secretions that had to be cleared from her tube.

There goes Brenna time and Mommy mode kicked into gear.

In a sort of frantic mode, I got ready as quick as I humanly could and got out to the hospital.  When I got there, Prudence was being Prudence.  Feisty, little stink bug.

So the deal.  Prudence has only had a handful of doses of the new antibiotic.  We still have time to see if its going to work.  And as the day progressed, respiratory therapy reported to me that the secretions were thinning out some and that there wasn't quite as much.  Phew.

However, Prudence has a heart murmur.  She has had it for several days now.  Today it was louder.  This could be a number of things, most concerning of all being a PDA or patent ductus arteriouses (I hope I spelled that right).  And unfortunately due to her being over two weeks old now, if thats the case medication will not work to close it.  So if thats the case, it would either be the waiting game to see if it would shut on its on or surgery.  Which means a transfer to Baptist.  Which means bye-bye to my favorite NICU mommies.  

The way to test for this is called an echocardiogram.  At this time, Prudence's doctor does not want to test for this.  They want to see if the antibiotics will help the infection and if the hole in her heart will shut on its own.  And for now she isn't terribly symptomatic of this hole being open in her heart.

Not horrible news.
Still leaves my momma's heart in limbo.

And at this point I honestly don't know what to say.  I have no words and my heart is heavy.  Worst of all is I sit alone in the NICU most days.  The nurses up there are becoming my friends.  The ones who talk to me and carry on friendly exchanges.

But then Juan and I are finding out how evident it is that it takes a trial to test a friendship, and some of ours are not doing so hot.

But in better news- I found this in my neighbors yard

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