Monday, October 21, 2013

They say its your birthday....

Weight- 880 grams
Disposition- Divalicious..........

Things a NICU mother never wants to hear;
1) "We ALMOST had to do chest compressions"
2) "Oh they had 16 episodes overnight"
3) "We had to bag her to get her oxygen saturations up"
4) " She stopped tolerating her feeds"
5) " No poops in a long while"

I am sure the list goes on and on.  But this brings me to my next point.  Some nurses just know how to talk to families.  Some know how to relay bad news without it sounding horrible.  That is why we have our favorite NICU mommas.  They can tell us things without it sounding as bad.  Now sometimes it can't be avoided.  Bad news is sometimes just a fact of life and sometimes there is no way to sugar coat it.  Sometimes its just bad.  

So last night Prudence had a big mack attack.  The episode to end all episodes.  We weren't there and we didn't get a phone call.  However Prudence became totally unresponsive.  Even to hard core stimulation.  She dropped her oxygen saturations way down and her heart rate way down and just did not wake up.  They almost did have to do chest compressions and they had to bag her to get her oxygen levels up because she would just not breathe.  

So we did walk in to getting told a few things.....not a fun night. 

However this morning it turns out that we found a cause.  An easily correctable cause.  Her feeding tube had somehow traveled back up her esophagus and had pretty much doubled in half on itself.  The pressure in her esophagus had caused her to have some pretty massive episodes because she had a vagal response.  Once they pulled that out and replaced it, she had 1 episode.  That she recovered from herself...Phew.......

Other than that things are  great.  They stopped her feeds for now while she is on the C-pap at higher settings, but we are being hopeful that they will resstart in the morning and praise the lord there is NO SIGN OF INFECTION anywhere!  CAN I GET AN AMEN!  With a little luck and a lot of prayer, we are over the worst of it and can see the tiny speck of light at the end of our still very long tunnel.

It just goes to show you.  Friday we are loving the time with her, rejoicing in how well she was doing and singing God's praises for the miracles her performs in her life.  Friday evening, we were on our knees pleading and praying for God to wrap his arms around our tiny daughter a thousand times over and have mercy on her poor body.  And this morning, we are again singing and joyful again.

I will never ride a roller coaster again once we leave here.  

We were lucky enough to have two dear friends visit.  They were NICU parents to twins and hearing how well their boys are doing and getting advice and just getting to talk about NICU things with people like its a normal thing seemed...I dunno....humanizing.  

Love and best birthday wishes from micropreemie world

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