Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Smiles awake you when you rise....

Day 11

Weight- 660 grams
Potty- Two dirty diapers (Daddy actually got to clean one up)!
Tube feeds- No changes to report
Oxygen- Minimal ventilator settings and holding steady

A truly peaceful day.  Today was a day where not only were we entirely comfortable that we were being told what was going on, but that it all happened to be pretty good news.  The only minor thing was that Prudence's hemoglobin had dropped to 7.7 but they said they have drawn a lot of blood in the past few days and that coupled with her body not making blood, and the end result is another blood transfusion.  Not a devastating thing.  Other than that, she is looking better.  All her blood work is looking better, no big report for the cultures that they took yesterday and and that she was getting more and more alert.  

Lucy is starting to get a cold.  We are on high alert around here trying to make sure we stay as healthy as we can.  It is going to be tough to make it the next few months without getting sick.  I am almost positive there will be at least one day I cannot go see my baby in the NICU and it crushes me.  Its just terrifying guys.  I mean serious panic attacks.

Speaking of which I heard an interesting perspective on my situation last night that really got me thinking today.  I was told when I stopped by work that everyone "would gladly pick up with slack without me there because no one would want to trade places with you."  


So I know on the outside it seems difficult.  And I know how it looks.  Right now my baby is almost 27 weeks gestational age.  She is also almost two weeks old.  She is fighting an uphill battle to live in a world her body was not ready for.  Juan and I spend every waking minute trying to figure out our next couple of days and that is it.  No more future plans, no more vacation talk, no more Lucy's birthday talk.  Next few days is all you can get out of us right now.  Lucy is acting out more and more and we can't blame her.  She is only getting maybe half to a quarter of the parents she had at any given time.  Juan and I both sleep probably 4-5 hours a day.  Between pumping, hospital, Lucy, Prudence, eating, driving, and hopefully showering, sleep is low on the priority list.  And not to mention that I am less than two weeks after my lower abdomen was pretty violently ripped open ( I was numbed) to save my baby and I lost the ability to ever have a natural child birthing experience again.  Hormones are going crazy, boobs hurt from constant and lengthy pumping to get a good supply.  The list of sucky things kinda seems to go on.

BUT..... None of that bothers me.  I love my girls.  I love being a momma to these two precious beings.  And that means a whole barrel of self sacrifice.  Thats fine.  My days of desiring a fancy haircut, well polished toe nails, alone time to read.... pfft....forget all that mess.  Give me one of my messy, stubborn, and unique little ones any second of the day.  The second I have them close to me, I feel better.  Like all is right.  Annnnnd I will do whatever it takes to make them happy.  

Like give my older kid candy corn.  "Halloween candy" is a big hit.

Good night from micropreemie world!

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